BP Relief and Medical Efforts Campaign
- The response to the Deepwater Horizon spill involved over 45,000 people at its peak, plus thousands of boats, largely crewed by local people, and scores of aircraft. As less oil is found on the beaches and at sea, the focus is turning to assessing the longer term impacts of the incident.
- In particular, we’re investing $500 million in the Gulf Research Institute (GRI) – an open research program to be conducted by independent experts from academic institutions on the Gulf Coast and elsewhere. The GRI will study the impact of the incident and its associated response on the environment and public health in the Gulf of Mexico. The GRI has an independent Advisory Council chaired by Dr Rita Colwell, Distinguished University Professor at the University of Maryland and at Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health.
- Iris Cross of BP Community Outreach listens to and helps members of Gulf Coast communities as part of the company's commitment to restoring the region. BP has taken full responsibility for cleanup in the Gulf of Mexico and has 19 outreach centers in four states as part of the comprehensive response effort.
- Funding for Behavioral Health Programs. Governor Bobby Jindal praises BP's $15 million funding of behavioral health outreach and support programs in Louisiana during press conference (Grand Isle, LA).
- To address potential wildlife impacts, BP has contracted with Tri-State Bird and Rescue. Tri-State works with trained and certified volunteers to help recover and clean affected wildlife. A toll-free number +1-800-557-1401 has been established to report oiled or injured wildlife. People are urged not to attempt to help injured or oiled animals, but to report any sightings to this toll-free number.
- BP has also announced a $500-million commitment over a 10-year period to create a broad independent research program to be known as the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GRI). The GRI will investigate the impacts of the oil, dispersed oil, and dispersant on the ecosystems of the Gulf of Mexico and affected coastal states. The initiative will also develop improved oil detection, characterization and remediation technologies.
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